Université Paris-Est


Payments security
This site is the subject of a security system that uses the process SSL encryption.
In addition, to protect its users, bank card numbers are not stored on computer servers.
These data protection and encryption devices make sensitive data like your bank card number difficult for hackers to access.

How to know that a page is secure ?
These pages are easily recognizable with the S of HTTPS which is displayed at the start of the address or by the padlock present in the address bar.

The https://telepaiement.univ-eiffel.fr site allows you to make your payments online from the University; Gustave Eiffel in complete safety.
If you receive e-mails in your mailbox which suggest that you make this type of payment on another site, do not respond to them. University Gustave Eiffel is not at the origin of these shipments.
Phishing consists of sending messages (e-mails) usurping identity of administrations or large organizations and asking the internet user to provide personal information, in particular a bank card number.
What to do if you have received such an email ?
  • Do not answer this message
  • Do not click on the links inside the message
  • Delete the message from your mailbox